The second day of H2020 INCOMING project final event was dedicated to keynote talks on the Path towards 6G and has been organised as a continuation of 5G-IT-Hub 5G and Beyond 5G Seminar Series. Keynote presenters were renowned leading experts on the topic of 6G topic: Prof. Petar Popovski (Aalborg University, Denmark), Ivan Seskar (Rutgers University, USA), Prof. Haris Gacanin (RQTH Aachen University, Germany), Prof. David Gomez Barquero (Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain), Konstantinos Chalkiotis (Deutsche Telekom, Germany), Prof. Robert Stewart (Strathclyde University, UK). Keynote presentations were followed by panel discussion on the development of next generation of communication systems, which gave an opportunity for interactive discussion on the 6G topic between keynotes and participants of the meeting.

Final meeting was attended by most of the ICONIC staff members as well as numerous representatives from 3 project partner institutions. Besides, the representatives from regional communication industry holders were present, as well as researchers from other Universities in Serbia. The final event gave an opportunity to promote research and innovation results of ICONIC centre, but also to spread excellence in local and regional domain and make an initial step for further collaboration between regional and international academic and industry attendees.

The Final Event agenda is presented in the table below.