3rd INCOMING project school at DLR
We had an amazing week (12th to 16th of June 2023) at German Aerospace Center (DLR) in Oberpfaffenhofen near Munich enjoying the lectures and discussions during the third summer school of H2020-INCOMING project. We are immensely thankful to inspiring lecturers Lara Dolecek, PhD, Danijela Cabric, Beatriz Soret, Roy Yates, Jean-Francois Chamberland, Andrea Munari, Aleksandar Minja and Francisco Lazaro Blasco and fantastic event organisation by Estefanía Recayte, Federico Clazzer and Gianluigi Liva.

Report on the 2023 INCOMING DLR Summer School appeared in September issue of IEEE Information Theory Society newsletter. You can read the whole text at the link below. Thanks again to German Aerospace Center (DLR) team, especially Federico Clazzer and Estefanía Recayte, for neat organisation.
School agenda is presented below:

On Monday and Wednesday afternoon INCOMING ESRs presented their research results as part of poster sessions: