3rd INCOMING special session @ EUSIPCO 2022
This special session is coorganised with H2020 Marie Curie Doctoral Network project WINDMILL
Special Session – Signal Processing and Machine Learning at the Edge for beyond 5G Radio Access Networks
Organizers and Chairs:
Xavier Mestre, CTTC, Spain
Dejan Vukobratovic, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
Dates: Monday-Friday, 29 August -2nd September 2022
Link: https://2022.eusipco.org/?page_id=545
The Special Session organisers are participating in two relevant H2020 projects, WindMill (ITN Network) dedicated to integrating wireless communication engineering and machine learning disciplines and INCOMING (CSA) innovation and excellence in massive-scale communications and information processing. The expertise of both projects on addressing large system challenges under a machine learning perspective provides both a wide and breadth coverage of massive aspects of communications such as massive MIMO and new communication systems opportunities such as RF sensing, edge computing and federated learning. Having this special session dedicated to massive aspects of communications in the air interface can facilitate identifying challenges and fundamental joint signal processing and ML/AI tools to address them.