INCOMING training on ipr – jelena dzankic (ipr EXPERT)
Dates: Thursday and Friday, 01st and 02nd December 2022
Time: 09:00h – 16:00h CET
Location: NTP-L01 (Science and Technology Park),
Naučno-Tehnološki Park, Fruškogorska 1, Novi Sad
This training is a physical event!
Highly interesting and interactive training on Intellectual Property Rights with the focus on patents presented by an Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) expert Jelena Dzankic took place on December 01st and 02nd at Science and Technology Park in organisation of ICONIC-CENTRE under H2020-INCOMING project. The training is one of the complementary skills seminars to be organised as part of H2020 INCOMING project targeting ICONIC centre staff members.